Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 20, 2025. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. You have the right to vote if you’re in line when the polls close.
Can my right to vote be challenged?
Yes, but only for certain reasons and by certain people. An election official, poll watcher, or other voter may only challenge a voter on the grounds that the voter does not live in the precinct or the voter is not the person the voter says he or she is.
The voter may still vote normally by signing a challenge affidavit and producing a witness to vouch for him or her. Call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) if you need assistance.
Who is allowed in a polling place?
Precinct election officials, clerks, machine inspectors, watchers, no more than 10 persons in the process of voting, persons lawfully giving assistance to voters, and police officers in the act of voting or who have been called to the polling place to preserve the peace, are allowed inside or within 10 feet of the polling place while voting is in progress. Everyone else, including individuals handing out campaign literature, must remain at least 10 feet away.
What if someone tries to intimidate or harass me?
Tell an election official right away. Call your county board of elections or call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).
What if I’m not on the voter list?
First, ask the election official to check the list again or to look at the supplemental list, which is a list of recent changes to the voting rolls. Offer to spell your name.
If an election official tells you that you are at the wrong polling place, ask for help finding the right polling place. You can also call your county board of elections or look up your polling place at vote.pa.gov. If you believe you’re at the right polling place but your name isn’t on the voter list, ask for a provisional ballot.
What is a provisional ballot?
A provisional ballot is used to record your vote when there’s a question about your eligibility. It will only be counted if election officials determine after the election that you were eligible to vote. You should use a provisional ballot only if there is no other way for you to vote.
Can I change my mind about voting by mail after I’ve applied?
Yes. Bring your ballot and the return envelope to your polling place on Election Day. Poll workers will cancel it, and you can vote in person. If you don’t have your ballot, you will have to vote on a provisional ballot. (You must bring the entire mail-in ballot package, including the envelope with your name on it.)
What if the voting machine is broken?
Report all broken equipment to the Election Protection Hotline, 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683), and to your county board of elections. If half or more of the voting equipment is not working, election officials must allow you to vote with a paper ballot known as an emergency paper ballot.
Do I need any form of ID to vote?
Only voters who are voting for the first time in their election district need to show ID. Acceptable ID includes both photo and non-photo ID. Non-photo ID must have your address on it.
For questions or assistance related to voting, whether before or on Election Day, contact the nonpartisan Election Protection Hotline at: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).