The ACLU of Pennsylvania works year-round in Harrisburg to support legislation that expands or protects our civil liberties and fights against bills that infringe on our freedoms.
One of the few nonprofits with a full-time lobbyist, the ACLU of Pennsylvania works year-round to track legislative activity in the PA House and Senate, hold legislators accountable, and train ACLU-PA members and supporters to become constituent lobbyists—the most important voices for legislators to hear.
Click below to view more of our legislative work.
ACLU-PA Legislative Scorecards
The ACLU of Pennsylvania's legislative scorecard is designed to let you know how your state legislators voted on a variety of civil rights and civil liberties-related bills over a two-year legislative session.
More Law, Less Justice reports
Our More Law, Less Justice reports highlight the role and responsibility of the Pennsylvania General Assembly in fueling mass incarceration in our commonwealth.
The legislative pages below reflect all the bills on which we've taken a position during the last several sessions. Filter by issue or select "Advanced search" to search by year or bill number.
You can also view a list of all our scored bills during the current and previous sessions: