PHILADELPHIA - On Monday, Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells, a Black transgender woman, was found dead in Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Police Department has ruled her death to be a homicide.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania released a statement in response to the news. The following can be attributed to Naiymah Sanchez, transgender justice coordinator for the ACLU of Pennsylvania:
“The ACLU of Pennsylvania extends our deepest sympathies to Dominique’s family and loved ones in this difficult time. Her death is a reminder of the violence that transgender people, especially transgender women of color, continue to face daily in this city and around the country.
“This tragic event may create feelings of fear and anxiety in the transgender community here in Philadelphia and across the nation. We want all trans and nonbinary Philadelphians to know that we support you and will continue to fight for you.
“June is Pride Month, when we celebrate our pride as trans and LGBQ people and how far we’ve come. Amidst the celebrations, I hope we will all take time to remember Dominique Fells, all trans people, especially trans women of color, who have lost their lives to senseless violence, and the families and friends who loved them.”