All-Member Webinar: PA Supreme Court Race - Why Does It Matter?

October 5, 2023 @ 12:30 pm 1:30 pm

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is one of the most powerful institutions in the commonwealth. Over the last three years, the court has heard dozens of cases about the right to vote and could soon decide if the state constitution guarantees a right to abortion. The justices also consider questions over criminal law, openness in government, legal protections from discrimination, and more. 

Any case can hinge on a single justice, and that can have a profound impact on our daily lives and our freedoms.

This November, every Pennsylvania voter will get a say in who the next state Supreme Court justice will be. Join us on Oct. 5 for this special All-Member Webinar that is focused on the Supreme Court election.


  • Danitra Sherman, deputy advocacy and policy director 
  • Ian Pajer-Rogers, senior communications strategist