Past Events

All-Member Call: The Attack on Voting Rights

The 2020 election is over, but now we are dealing with the aftermath. People showed up to vote in historic numbers, especially people of color, and now some politicians are doing everything in their power to attack voter rights and invalidate not only the election but our democracy.

September 30, 2021

ACLU oral argument at US Supreme Court: BL v. Mahanoy Area School District

On April 28, ACLU attorneys will appear before the United States Supreme Court in defense of a frustrated cheerleader's right to off-campus free speech. The case will have implications for millions of public school students' First Amendment right to free speech when they are away from school.

April 28, 2021 to
April 29, 2021

Who Are MDJs?: A Panel Discussion with Experts on Cash Bail

Join us for a community discussion on the evening of Thursday, April 15, at 6:30 p.m. to talk with criminal legal reform advocates and community activists about MDJs and the campaign to end unaffordable cash bail in Pennsylvania.

April 27, 2021

Who Polices the Police?

Join the ACLU-PA and the Young Leadership Outreach Team (YLOT) of Philadelphia for a virtual panel discussion focusing on the law and police accountability. This will be the first installment of a series.

March 24, 2021