Session: 2023-2024

ACLU-PA Position: Supports

HB 1140 (PN 3288) would require insurance companies to cover all contraceptive drugs, devices, and other products and services at no cost to the consumer.

The FDA approved the first over-the-counter daily oral contraceptive in July 2023, but Pennsylvania still has no legal protections for contraceptive access. And given the fact that 80 percent of Pennsylvanians live in a county without an abortion clinic, access to contraceptive care could not be more important.

Nine of 10 women in the U.S. will use contraception at some point in their lives. For millions of people, access to birth control has meant the ability to support themselves financially, finish their education, and get and keep a job. But for too many people, cost can be a barrier to access, with disproportionate impact on Black and brown Pennsylvanians. 

HB 1140 would ensure that no one loses access to contraception because of their income—and guarantees it for those who need, want, and deserve it.

Check the bill's status here.


Representative Leanne Krueger



Bill number

