Session: 2023-2024
ACLU-PA Position: Supports
SB 170 is part of a bill package intended to address several recommendations made by Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice Task Force in its final 2021 report. Specifically, SB 170 responds to Recommendation 23 in the report.
SB 170 (PN 160) would amend Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to create a standardized statewide expungement process for juvenile records under certain circumstances. It would also require a Chief Juvenile Probation Officer to notify the court when a person's juvenile record(s) are eligible for expungement.
Establishing a mechanism to expunge certain juvenile records and assigning a court officer to be responsible for tracking expungement eligibility would ensure that young people who have completed their obligations to the court are not held back from successful transition into adulthood due to prior involvement in the juvenile justice system.
Governor Shapiro signed SB 170 into law on October 16, 2024 as Act 108 of 2024.