Session: 2021-2022

ACLU-PA Position: Supports

HB 2125 would remove references to the term “homosexuality” within definitions of prohibited sexual acts in the Crimes Code, specifically the definitions of “sexual activity” and “sexual conduct” in Title 18 § 5902 (relating to prostitution) and § 5903 (relating to obscene materials). In addition, HB 2125 would further amend the definitions of “sexual activity” and “sexual conduct” by removing surplus language and incorporating references to other sexual acts defined elsewhere in the Crimes Code. 

The Pennsylvania Crimes Code references homosexuality in outdated and offensive ways. This prejudicial language has no place in our laws, and removing those references will not expand or alter the offense definitions amended under HB 2125.

Governor Wolf signed HB 2125 into law on July 11, 2022 as Act 73 of 2022.


Representative Todd Stephens


Signed by governor


2021 - 2022

Bill number

